Friday, July 07, 2006

Ben's First Tooth!!

Such a big day. We check every day when he wakes up to see if he has cut a tooth and we check again at night. I was so excited tonight when I was giving Ben a post-dinner fruit puff and I saw the little tooth that had appeared. Right there on the bottom, the right-middle tooth has arrived!

So, I tried to get a picture, but it is too small to really come out and Ben is just way more interested in sucking my finger to let me get a good shot. So, the silly cartoon will just have to do until we see more of those chompers!

He is so much fun. It seems like every day brings with it something new that Ben has accomplished. He is not crawling yet, but he turns himself in circles when he is playing on his belly (especially when trying to get to Phoebe!). He has learned to roll himself back and forth in his crib so we never know what we will see when we get him up in the morning (though I must say, he generally sleeps in the same position as I do...on his side, hugging his blanket with his leg flamingo style). He has also discovered that he can use his hands to lift his upper body onto things. He is not pulling himself to his feet yet, but with the way he is moving lately, that could definitely be soon.

If I get some good teeth pictures, I will add them for you all to drool over. I have tried to get pictures of him and his new found "mobility", but obviuosly that is tough with a still camera. If I get some video that is fun, I will post it.

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