Saturday, January 13, 2007

What's happening in January

We have had more 70 degree days than days in the 50s. The weather here is so weird. I never realized how nice winter could be. Usually I am full of hatred for the months of Janauary-March (actually, probably November and December too except that the holidays make the time more tolerable). Being down here, life remains uninterupted by weather. We can still pretty much go wherever we want and do whatever we want and not have to dread being out in the cold. I think there have been 2 days where BEn and I have worn sweaters and (spring) jackets at the same time (though Tom is still wearing short sleeve shirts and a light jacket). Have you heard it before....I LOVE IT!! While we still have some obstacles to overcome, I think the underlying theme is that this has been a great move so far.

On the Ben front, it seems the latest development is that you can tell Ben what to do and he understands what you are saying. Admitedly, he only listens when he wants to, but at least the understanding is there. Several times now, I have told him to go get a book. He walks into his room, rummages around a bit and comes out, happily holding a book out to me. I was starting to get agitated because he has so many books and basically has just pulled them all off of the shelf and walked away with no interest. I actually thought of boxing them up for a bit. But, now he loves them. On our daily sheet from the day care yesterday, it said Ben spent almost the entire day in the book area.

Ben is also quite fond of his newest DVD, The Best of Elmo. This was HIGHLY recommended by cousin Alicia and Ben LOVES it. I mean, it is to the point where he pulls movies off the shelf until he finds it. Yesterday, I hid the movie on him and he literally took every DVD off of the bottom shelf and looked at me all sad because he coudn't find the video. When I took the box from behind me, his face lit up and he walked as fast as he could over to get it from me. This is also the first time he has really sat down and watched something for an extended period of time. I would say he watches about 20 minutes of the 30 minute video right now. Pretty long time for a 14 month old.

Ben is also trying the whole self-feeding thing. It does not make his parents particularly happy, but he seems to enjoy himself. He actually does a fairly good job of getting the spoon from food to his mouth. But, he hasn't gotten the scooping down so it is usually only a small taste that gets to his mouth. When we help him load the spoon, he gets somewhat resentful and it ends up in his hair or in the high chair. Not a clean process, but I guess he needs to learn sometime. So, we will keep working on it.

Thats all for the update today.

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