Thursday, August 31, 2006

People Say Stupid Things

I stumbled across a blog.... "People Say Stupid Things" that I think I am going to get into. It makes me laugh....and some of it strangely made me feel like I was reading something I wrote myself.

When I named my blog "what I said was....what I meant was..." I had these people in mind. All these people who do or say annoying things force me to smile and nod but turn and say various things to myself...what an ass...seriously? (my personal favorite for people who are saying particularly "interesting" things)..."oh no you didn't" (one I don't currently use, but probably should cause it is pretty fun when said with the appropriate accent!)...I have a whole inner monologue that takes place when I find people to be particularly superfluous in my world.

I developed the inner monologue to allow myself to say what I really mean without insult to another individual in my presence. I guess it is part of growing up to filter your feelings a bit and not just jump to insult someone's inane comment. I have stopped explaining myself and my actions because I found I was defending my self way too much and getting agitated when my defense still received a raised eyebrow or a disappoined remark. I used to laugh at my mother in the car when she would be mouthing conversations to herself, deep in thought. But, I guess that is sort of what I do now...though my lips are still. I just sit there and rehash a prior conversation with all the other things I should have said to this fool before me.

But I digress. I thought I would clue you in to this blog for some comic relief if you, like me, find it necessary to laugh at people who say stupid things.


Monday, August 28, 2006

Expanding Vocabulary & Mobility

Ben is working hard to expand his vocabulary. He has added "yuck" to his entertaining words. We are up to "Mama", "uh-oh" and "yuck" (well, more like uck actually). He has also learned to make "ga" sounds which is really cute.
He is quite verbal. He loves to babble away when he is playing and eating and going to bed and waking up......

He is also really starting to get around. Ben is taking some small steps when you hold his hands and is totally able to scoot along on his belly to get where he wants (the DVD stand, computer chair, my laptop cables....) It is so awesome to see him develop literally day by day. I am truly amazed at how quickly he changes. He is really trying to crawl, too. He can now get his feet up under him which is pretty new, but then he just hangs out in that position and stares at me until I help him out or he decides to roll away. The hardest part is that he gets so frustrated because he wants to be standing all the time, but he cannot do it on his own and is definitely not stable enough holding on to things to just leave him. As much as I don't want him to walk and get into trouble, it will be a huge savings on my back to not have to hold him upright all the time.

Fall is here, time for more SHOPPING!! I had Ben in jeans and a jacket when we went out today. I am really excited to get him some new things to wear!! I wonder if we will still need shorts when we get to NC. The average temps in Raleigh in October are only in the 70s but we will probably still have some shorts-weather when we get there.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Back to Reality

As if a 20 degree temperature drop in less than 24 hours is not enough, the looming dread of a Monday morning is all it takes to feel like vacation is over.

I use the word vacation loosely as you can imagine our vacation was more work than pleasure. We had a good visit with Todd, Tina and Cam which included much entertainment from the energetic 2 1/2 year old I can happily call my nephew. But, we spent the majority of our time researching....finding a place to live ( a rental), finding a place to buy (our dream home...coming soon if all goes well!!) and finding someone to watch for Ben while we make the $$ to pay for all these things.

We accomplished our 2 main goals without any hiccups (the place to live and day care) and when we finally saw our dream home in person (until our vaca, the house was just floorplans and virtual tours) we knew it was the place for us, confirming further the fact that we had made the right decision to pursue this move. No further details until we have something set in stone (I am not a fan of jinxing these things by talking about them too much)....But, once that happens, expect pictures and details and a whole lot of gushing over our HUGE, built-to-our-specidications house!

Our trip also brought with it a sick baby (can I just say double ear infection and a new tooth, with 2 others not far behind) and a sick mommy (massive sinus infection including mind numbing head and facial pain). It certainly made flying a joy. Ben was actually great on the plane...but kept us up several nights SCREAMING and basically boycotted daytime naps. We both crashed when we got home to our own familiar beds.

Anyway, back to work and the daily grind. With lots to think about and only a few weeks until our departure, I think the upcoming days will be full of excitement and decisions and planning. So far, we are just excited, not nervous. I hope it remains that way (or at least we can pretend to feel fully confident in all these decisions).

To Do List:
1. Reserve Movers
2. Reserve Car Movers (We have made decision (I think) to drive my car and ship Tom's (Makes sense to save the money I guess even though I have to wonder what this will be like with a 10 1/2 month old!)
3. Register Ben for daycare
4. Tell Ben's existing day care we are leaving (so hard because I love this part of his extended family)
5. PACK!!!

OH yeah, and I am back on my quest to pick a NC college to support. I am going to do some research, but I may be leaning towards Duke. I have been told that they play til the death, even against the weakest opponents. Sounds like a team I would like. I like a team that will trounce their opponent without guilt.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Naked Baby Photos

So, just reading the title of today's blog, you will think one of two things....Ben Folds Five (awesome album by the way!) or, taking pics of Ben post-bath.

Well, this post is nothing like that. I have a friend who had a baby earlier this year. Every so often I get pictures from her to show the baby's development. In a large majority of these pictures, I see my friend's husband naked. Nothing inappropriate of course, just more than I need to see. In one picture, you just see his hairy chest, in another, he is in his shorty robe and in yet another, he is wearing shorts (or at least I assume) but with the way he is holding the baby, he looks pants-free.

So, for anyone reading my blog who may be tempted to send out family photos, here is my advice. We love pics of your kids, your dog, your mother. But, please, when we get naked pics, or pictures that leave too little to the imagination, just remember they should be of the baby...not your free-as-a-bird spouse!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Planet Relocation

I feel like I live on planet relocation right now. All I think about is our trip and relocating...when to go, how to get there, where to live, and the list goes on. I am starting to feel like I live on planet relocation where the only thing that matters is relocating.

I am getting a bit anxious at this point, a combination of not knowing answers to any of the above, getting super excited for our vacation (albeit a working vacation) and knowing that by the time we come home, we will have most of the answers. It is such a fun time. I just hope it all goes smoothly.

Tom and I tried to work out our "plan"...dates and all that. We really can't say for sure until we go talk to a few people next week, but I think it was helpful to get it all on paper.

We are still trying to make our last minute plans to get together with our MA friends prior to our departure, no easy thing when everyone is busy with summer plans and we are travelling, etc. Once we get back from our vaca and have some answers, we will need to start packing...hopefully we will manage to get a bit of time with everyone before we go.

Can't wait to map it all out next week. By the time we get back from our trip, only 5 weeks until we are supposed to move....

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Birthday & Work

So, I have decided today that I will never work on my birthday again. A birthday is supposed to be a celebration. I had a wonderful lunch at The Cheesecake Factory with the ladies from work which was really nice. I tried a new dish (Fish & Chips) and we shared (the 5 of us!) one piece of Tuxedo cheesecake (pictured above)....DELICIOUS!! But, it was not like pampering myself or indulging in some birthday relaxation.

Tonight when I got home, my parents were waiting in the parking lot to wish me a happy birthday (and bring a surprise present!!) It was nice to have them here when I got home. Made it feel like more of a birthday to have a quick visit.

Maybe I am getting to old to celebrate my birthday. No, I know, I am not old. But, I may be too old to celebrate birthdays. I am not getting old, just wiser right? Well, my new wisdom as I turn 27 is that I will never work on my birthday again. Advice that will work for at least the next 28 years (wishful thinking!!) or so until I retire.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


I used to love my birthday. Having a birthday smack dab in the middle of the month, I have always enjoyed the entire month of August...preparing for and then enjoying the newness of my new age.

This year is different though. I have realized how quickly my life is passing by without much time to slow down and just enjoy everything I have. I have also made that transition to the "late 20s" which doesn't sound old or anything but just signifies that the 30s are right around the corner, only to be followed by the 40s and so on and so forth. And, as i get older and the time just flies faster and faster, I realize before I know it, I will be old.

This year, with so many other life events pending, I am planning on a very low key birthday. I have asked Tom to skip my present this year since we are saving for our impending move. I am happy to just get a card and go to dinner (lobster of course!!). From others I have suggested gift cards. I don't see the need to get more stuff to move and since I know we will be buying things when we are in our new place, gift cards would make the buying process a lot more fun and guilt free (American Express or Target if you want ideas!!)!

We are planning and the girls in the office. This is my first birthday I have ever worked. We are going to Cheesecake Factory for cheesecake and coffee...maybe appetizers, but skip the real food. Sounds like a good celebration to long as no singing waiters make their way towards my table.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Martha's Vineyard

We are taking Ben to Martha's Vineyard for the day. Last time he was on the island, he was tucked soundly in my belly. We decided against Nantucket as a day trip because it was very expensive to take the ferry and it is a very long ride, which did not seem reasonable for a casual day.

It is supposed to be a beautiful sunny 80 degree day so I am looking forward to our relaxing ferry ride and a day of walking the island, stopping only for some sightseeing, food and ice cream!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

First Word!!!.......and other developments

I feel like we should call the Boston Globe and have them announce it publicly....For the first time, Ben deliberately called out to get my attention. He called for his mama. He has made the dadadada sounds for a while now, but never to call Tom. He was just using his voice. But, based on the sound, I thought for sure he would be calling daddy before me.

A couple of weeks ago when Tom and I were on our way out for the day, Tom was holding Ben walking behind me and we heard a husky little voice say "mama". When I looked at him all excited he smiled and then went about with his typical baby babble. I half-doubted that's what he said, though the mommy in me really wanted to believe that was what I heard. But, this week, he definitely started to say mama....and not in the baby talk way, but in the "hey lady, I am calling you" way. Monday while working from home, I was in the kitchen out of Ben's sight and he called out Mama. Not mamamamama.....that would just be baby babble, but a very deliberate Mama. The next night, he was in his high chair and Tom was standing between Ben and me and again, the little voice called out Mama. Since then, it is like the flood gates have opened. Sometimes he reverts to the babble of mamamamamama (which only a few weeks ago he could not even make the mmmm sound). But, now it seems to just be very normal for him to call out Mama.

Other developments....
Tooth number 2 has arrived, right alongside #1

Ben stands anytime he can get a solid grip on anything. Ben now STANDS at his play table. He needs a bit of help, but generally plays by himself while holding on. (Check out his video!)

Starting to get mobile....not crawling, but he flounders around on his belly to get where he wants to be.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Trip to the beach

So I have been slacking off a bit. No post in over a week. My objective is twice a week, though things are rarely entertaining enough to necessitate that.

Anyway, we took Ben to the beach for the first time on Sunday. We went to Old Silver in N Falmouth and the water was so warm. It was so much fun. We took Alicia with us to help entertain Ben a bit. She was so great with him (as usual). She has endless energy and was a big help in keeping him happy. Ben loved having his feet covered in the sand and seemed to really like the water (not a surprise since he LOVES the bath). It was really fun. I remember back in the day, we would pack a cooler and towels and go to the beach. It was very easy and relaxed. This trip definitely required more stuff....umbrella, chairs (got a good sale on "end of summer" clearance chairs!), diaper bag, cooler, camera (can't miss out on a scrapbook page!)but we still had a great time. Just more of a mess at the end of the day.

I will get some pictures up soon.