Thursday, August 10, 2006


I used to love my birthday. Having a birthday smack dab in the middle of the month, I have always enjoyed the entire month of August...preparing for and then enjoying the newness of my new age.

This year is different though. I have realized how quickly my life is passing by without much time to slow down and just enjoy everything I have. I have also made that transition to the "late 20s" which doesn't sound old or anything but just signifies that the 30s are right around the corner, only to be followed by the 40s and so on and so forth. And, as i get older and the time just flies faster and faster, I realize before I know it, I will be old.

This year, with so many other life events pending, I am planning on a very low key birthday. I have asked Tom to skip my present this year since we are saving for our impending move. I am happy to just get a card and go to dinner (lobster of course!!). From others I have suggested gift cards. I don't see the need to get more stuff to move and since I know we will be buying things when we are in our new place, gift cards would make the buying process a lot more fun and guilt free (American Express or Target if you want ideas!!)!

We are planning and the girls in the office. This is my first birthday I have ever worked. We are going to Cheesecake Factory for cheesecake and coffee...maybe appetizers, but skip the real food. Sounds like a good celebration to long as no singing waiters make their way towards my table.

1 comment:

Cathy said...


You are still sooo young... yeah - I had my big 3-0 last September and I do not feel old at all! The point is to live your life everyday your way - doesn't matter whether you are 60 or 20. It feels good to have a young heart and spirits!