Sunday, August 27, 2006

Back to Reality

As if a 20 degree temperature drop in less than 24 hours is not enough, the looming dread of a Monday morning is all it takes to feel like vacation is over.

I use the word vacation loosely as you can imagine our vacation was more work than pleasure. We had a good visit with Todd, Tina and Cam which included much entertainment from the energetic 2 1/2 year old I can happily call my nephew. But, we spent the majority of our time researching....finding a place to live ( a rental), finding a place to buy (our dream home...coming soon if all goes well!!) and finding someone to watch for Ben while we make the $$ to pay for all these things.

We accomplished our 2 main goals without any hiccups (the place to live and day care) and when we finally saw our dream home in person (until our vaca, the house was just floorplans and virtual tours) we knew it was the place for us, confirming further the fact that we had made the right decision to pursue this move. No further details until we have something set in stone (I am not a fan of jinxing these things by talking about them too much)....But, once that happens, expect pictures and details and a whole lot of gushing over our HUGE, built-to-our-specidications house!

Our trip also brought with it a sick baby (can I just say double ear infection and a new tooth, with 2 others not far behind) and a sick mommy (massive sinus infection including mind numbing head and facial pain). It certainly made flying a joy. Ben was actually great on the plane...but kept us up several nights SCREAMING and basically boycotted daytime naps. We both crashed when we got home to our own familiar beds.

Anyway, back to work and the daily grind. With lots to think about and only a few weeks until our departure, I think the upcoming days will be full of excitement and decisions and planning. So far, we are just excited, not nervous. I hope it remains that way (or at least we can pretend to feel fully confident in all these decisions).

To Do List:
1. Reserve Movers
2. Reserve Car Movers (We have made decision (I think) to drive my car and ship Tom's (Makes sense to save the money I guess even though I have to wonder what this will be like with a 10 1/2 month old!)
3. Register Ben for daycare
4. Tell Ben's existing day care we are leaving (so hard because I love this part of his extended family)
5. PACK!!!

OH yeah, and I am back on my quest to pick a NC college to support. I am going to do some research, but I may be leaning towards Duke. I have been told that they play til the death, even against the weakest opponents. Sounds like a team I would like. I like a team that will trounce their opponent without guilt.

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